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The electronic certificates used on the Tax Agency's e-Office and Portal are going to change

Next March 16, 2021 the Tax Agency will proceed to change the electronic certificates that are used to offer services to taxpayers. This change will allow you to continue accessing the services of the Tax Agency's Electronic Headquarters without the risk of preventing access from the browser you normally use.

The new electronic certificates will be signed by the certification service provider GlobalSign . These electronic certificates are recognized by major browsers and the Java virtual machine. The domains affected by this change are:



In the case of entities that access from applications developed specifically to use the services of the Tax Agency it is necessary that they confirm that their systems will accept the new electronic certificates when they invoke the services. To do this, it will be necessary for them to review whether their systems trust the certificates of the Certification Authority (CA) with which the new electronic certificates of the Tax Agency will be signed.

These GlobalSign AC ROOT and AC INTERMEDIA public keys are attached below so they can be downloaded and configured if necessary.