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Final closing of the pre-CAU deposit application (DVD preCAU) on Monday, May 9

On Monday 05/09/2022, at 08:00, the definitive closing of the version of the deposit linking documents prior to the CAU (DVD preCAU) will occur.

Please note that, in import and export customs declarations, in the same declaration, documents linking to preCAU and CAU deposit cannot be declared simultaneously.
Furthermore, in import and deposit declarations, from the closing date and time of DVD preCAU, box 49 cannot be declared. In export declarations, also from this date, this box will become optional and, even if it is declared, it will not be taken into account. The date on which box 49 cannot be declared in export declarations will be announced soon.

Summary of the latest news published in Customs related to connection to Deposit that can be consulted in the Tax Agency: Customs News

April 25, 2022: Declarations of linkage to deposit - CAU. Recap date vs. date of registration in the registry of CAU deposit link declarations and other considerations
April 12, 2022 Modification of rules of the XML guide for deposit link documents related to personal items.
April 4, 2022 H2 Validations of personal elements in deposit messages and definitive closure of the PreCau DVD.