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H1 publication of technical documentation and calendar

Technical documentation that has changed:

  1. Import declaration.
    1. Import technical guide adapted to CAU V3.4.
    2. CAU Import Consultation Service Technical Guide V2.4
    3. Additional information import CAU V3.6
    4. Rules and conditions adjusted to EUCDM and Spanish Customs V3.4
    5. Import scenarios adapted to the UCC. V3.1.
    6. Documentation Submission Web Service Guide V 1.5
  2. Notification of registration of merchandise in the operator's registry.
    1. Notification of registration of merchandise in the operator's registry V0.5
    2. Rules and conditions V 0.2  

Each documentation details, in its version, the variation that occurred.
It can also be seen in Web Services (



  • 06/25/2024 Entry into production statements {A, D,V,Z}
  • 07/01/2024 Production: Notification Prior to Dispatch of the Union Customs Code, I2.
  • Notification of registration of merchandise in the operator's registry.
  • 07/30/2024 Statement tests {B, E, X, C, U, Y}
  • 10/01/2024 Entry into production of declarations {B, E, X, C, U, Y}


  • 10/14/2025 Closing of the current day.