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New validations for previous T2L documents in EXS declarations

Version 4.11 of the technical guide for declarations EXS , Re-export and Re-dispatch notifications is published, in which new validations are introduced on previous documents T2L .

The reference number of the previous document will no longer be optional for T2L and can only be declared using one of the following references:

  • Preferably, if available, an MRN (18 chars) of T2L electronic (example: 24ES004611L3871391).
  • Other references specific to visa manifests less than 18 characters in length:
    • Reference of 13 characters in length with format ESRRRRRANNNNNN, where RRRR is a customs area, A is a number (the year) and NNNNNN is a number.
    • Reference between 6 and 14 characters in length with ESPSLN…N format, where N…N are between 0 and 9 numerical digits.
    • Reference between 7 and 15 characters in length with format ESEAPSN...N, where N...N are between 0 and 9 numerical digits.
  • Other references specific to invoices and transport documents less than 18 characters long:
    • Reference in PPC...C format, where PP is a TAU country and C...C is a character string.

Any other reference that does not fit with those described will provoke a rejection response.

It will also be validated that, in the event that a T2L document is declared, the countries on the itinerary after Spain are not all not belonging to TAU . For more details we recommend consulting the technical guide v4.11.

These validations will come into effect on July 23, 2024.

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