Registration of EIR Declarant
Authorisation for customs declaration through registry in the Declarant’s Records
Information on registration in the CAU-adapted declarant's records. Introduction
Article 182.1 of the Code provides that, upon request, customs authorities may authorize a person to lodge a customs declaration, including a simplified declaration, in the form of an entry in the declarant's records, provided that the data of that declaration are available to those authorities in the declarant's electronic system at the time of lodging the customs declaration as an entry in the declarant's records.
This simplification requires the registration of the data of the customs declaration (normal or simplified) in the declarant's records when the merchandise is in the places included in the authorization and the remittance, at the same time as the notification of presentation of merchandise (message I2) unless it is exempt.
Notification I2 is therefore the notification that the goods declared for IMPORT have been presented at customs and have been registered in the declarant's records.
The customs declaration shall be considered accepted at the time when the goods have been entered in the records.