News published in INFORMA 2023
Skip information indexNews published in INFORMA during the month of APRIL
146497 - RESERVE FOR INVESTMENTS IN THE BALEARIC ISLANDS: EARLY MATERIALIZATIONTaxpayers may make advance investments, which will be considered as materialization of the investment reserve that is provided from profits obtained in the tax period in which the investment is made or in the three subsequent periods, provided that the remaining requirements demanded in the same are met.
146498 - RESERVE FOR INVESTMENTS IN THE BALEARIC ISLANDS: INCOMPATIBILITYThe application of the benefit of the investment reserve will be incompatible , for the same assets and expenses, with the deductions to encourage the performance of certain activities regulated in Chapter IV of Title VI of the LIS .
146496 - RESERVE FOR INVESTMENTS IN THE BALEARIC ISLANDS: MATERIALIZATION REQUIREMENTSThe assets in which investment is materialized must be located or received in the Balearic archipelago, used therein, be affected by and be necessary for the development of economic activities of taxpayer , except in the case of those that contribute to the improvement and protection of the environment in the Balearic territory.
146491 - SPECIAL TAX REGIME OF THE BALEARIC ISLANDS: REGULATIONThe Seventieth Additional Provision of the General State Budget Law for 2023 introduces the special tax regime of the Balearic Islands with effect for tax periods beginning between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2028.
146494 - RESERVE FOR INVESTMENTS IN THE BALEARIC ISLANDS: FORMAL REQUIREMENTSThe Investment Reserve must appear on the balance sheet with absolute separation and appropriate title and will be unavailable as long as the assets in which it was materialized must remain in the company.
146493 - ALLOCATIONS TO THE RESERVE FOR INVESTMENTS IN THE BALEARIC ISLANDS: REQUIREMENTSThe reduction will be applied to the allocations made to the Investment Reserve in each tax period up to the limit of 90 percent of the portion of profit obtained in the same period that is not subject to distribution, insofar as it comes from establishments located in the Balearic Islands, without in any case the application of the reduction being able to determine that the tax base is negative.
146495 - RESERVE FOR INVESTMENTS IN THE BALEARIC ISLANDS: MATERIALIZATION TERMThe amounts allocated to the reserve for investments in the Balearic Islands d must be materialized within a maximum period of three years.
146492 - RESERVE FOR INVESTMENTS IN THE BALEARIC ISLANDS: PURPOSEThe Reserve for investments in the Balearic Islands is created with the aim of ensuring that taxpayers of Corporate Tax and Non-Resident Income Tax have the right to a reduction in the tax base for the amounts that, in relation to their establishments located in the Balearic Islands, they allocate from their profits to the reserve for investments.