News published in INFORMA 2023
Skip information indexNews published in INFORMA during the month of AUGUST
146818 - DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES. BENEFITS FOR BUSINESS LIABILITY IN WORK ACCIDENTSA company will not be able to deduct for tax purposes the expense corresponding to a surcharge for a fault related to safety measures at work , however, the total permanent disability pension and temporary disability benefits will be considered tax-deductible expenses.
146919 - NEGATIVE BIs COMPENSATION LIMIT IN BANKRUPTCY LIQUIDATION PERIODIn the event that the liquidation process extends over several tax periods, it should be understood that the limitation on the compensation of negative tax bases should not be applicable for the entity in relation to the income generated in the bankruptcy liquidation period.
146817 - REDUCED TAX RATE FOR NEWLY CREATED ENTITIES. TEMPORAL SCOPEThe reduced tax rate that can be applied by newly created entities that carry out economic activities, is only applicable in the first tax period in which the tax base is positive and in the following tax period , regardless of whether the tax base in this period is positive or negative.
146952 - DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES. DEDUCTIBILITY OF ADMINISTRATOR'S REMUNERATION, SOLE PARTNER, WITHOUT GENERAL MEETING APPROVALIf the remuneration received by the director of the entity, sole shareholder, is recorded, credited and provided for in the company's bylaws, provided that the method and amount of such remuneration can be deduced from the bylaws, will be tax deductible, even if they have not been approved by the General Shareholders' Meeting.
146920 - OBLIGATION TO DECLARE. INACTIVE COMPENSATION BOARDA Compensation Board is a taxpayer of IS , and as long as it is not for profit, the partially exempt entity regime will apply to it. Therefore, will be obliged to file the IS declaration unless he/she is in the situation provided for in the third section of article 124 of the LIS .