News published in INFORMA 2023
Skip information indexNews published in INFORMA during the month of MAY
146523 - FINANCING COMPANIES DEDICATED TO THE ORGANIZATION AND PRODUCTION OF CONCERTS WITH DEFERRED PAYMENT METHODSAn entity investing in companies dedicated to organizing concerts can make investments with deferred payment methods.
146522 - FINANCING COMPANIES DEDICATED TO THE ORGANIZATION AND PRODUCTION OF CONCERTS. INVESTMENT MADE IN DIFFERENT PRODUCTION PHASESThe taxpayer who participates in the financing may contribute the amounts to finance production costs at any stage of production, prior to or after the moment in which the producer incurs the aforementioned production costs, and until obtaining the certificate referred to in letter a) of section 3 of article 36 of the LIS .
146513 - EXEMPTION FROM INCOME TRANSFER OF SHARES. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY: OBTAINING GAME LICENSETo the extent that the activity carried out by the transferred entity has determined the existence of an arrangement, on its own account, of means of production or human resources, own or third parties , with the purpose of intervening in the production or distribution of goods or services in the market, the transferring entity may apply the exemption of article 21 of the LIS .
146512 - TAXPAYERS. HEIR ENTITY BY VULGAR SUBSTITUTIONIf the appointed heir renounces and is vulgarly replaced by a commercial entity, in accordance with the provisions of article 3.2 of Law 29/1987, of December 18, on the Tax on Inheritances and Donations (LISD), the increase in assets obtained by the entity , being a legal entity , will not be subject to the Tax on Inheritances and Donations, but to the Corporate Tax.
146511 - AID TO CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGIMES1## Aid from the Common Agricultural Policy, in particular to climate and environmental protection schemes (known as eco-schemes), is not included in the tax base ## of Corporate Tax.