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Report 2018


Image tables and graphs

  1. Table 1. Tax collection
  2. Table 2. Main declarations submitted
  3. Table no. 3. Census of Liable Taxpayers
  4. Table 4. Total staff
  5. Chart 5. Distribution between Central Services and Territorial Services 2017 - 2018
  6. Graph no. 6. Distribution by areas 2017 - 2018
  7. Chart 7. Distribution by subgroups 2017 - 2018
  8. Chart 8. Distribution by sex 2017 - 2018
  9. Table 9. Performance Index
  10. Table 10. Distribution of expenditure by chapters. Comparison 2017 - 2018
  11. Table 11. Suggestions and complaints. Main headings 2018
  12. Table 12. Total gross tax collection (€ million)
  13. Table 13. Total net tax collection (€ million)
  14. Chart 14. Trend in tax collected managed by the Tax Agency
  15. Table 15. Adjustments due to impacts of regulatory changes
  16. Table 16. Efficiency index
  17. Graph no. 17. Trend in user access of the Informa Program
  18. Graph no. 18. Evolution of calls to the Basic Tax Information helpline
  19. Graph no. 19. Evolution of visits (visited pages) to the Tax Agency's web portals
  20. Graph no. 20. Renta WEB
  21. Table 21. Income 2017: results obtained
  22. Graph no. 22. Applications for deferrals in number. Percentage distribution by income brackets
  23. Graph no. 23. Applications for deferrals by amount. Percentage distribution by income brackets
  24. Table 24. Payment deferral and splitting agreements
  25. Table 25. Guarantees in granted deferrals
  26. Graph no. 26. Evolution of the number of deferment requests
  27. Graph no. 27. Evolution of the amount of deferrals requested (in millions of euros)
  28. Table 28. Accessibility to the Tax Agency's buildings
  29. Table 29. Tax crimes reported by the Financial Inspection and Customs and Special Taxes areas
  30. Table 30. Control of tax and customs fraud: principal magnitudes
  31. Table 31. Results in Personal Income Tax
  32. Table 32. Results in the Modules regime
  33. Table 33. Activities to combat smuggling
  34. Table 34. Main activities of the Customs Surveillance Service
  35. Table no. 35. Results of documentary controls and physical examinations of goods in Customs
  36. Table no. 36. Intervening activity of Special Taxes
  37. Table 37. Evolution of outstanding debt
  38. Table no. 38. Breakdown of outstanding debt
  39. Table 39. Data related to debts in enforcement stage
  40. Chart 40. Evolution of the position in the executive period (2006-2018)
  41. Table 41. Precautionary measures and assignations of liability
  42. Table 42. Expert witness and judicial assistance activities during the penal process
  43. Table 43. Precautionary measures (Sections 81.5 and 81.8 LGT)
  44. Table 44. Supply of information to jurisdictional bodies
  45. Chart 45. Trend in Person Income Tax returns filed electronically
  46. Chart 46. Provision of information. Public Administrations