Regulatory developments 2021
Skip information indexRoyal Decree 366/2021 of 25 May developing the procedure for filing and paying Tax on Financial Transactions self-assessments and modifying other tax regulations
On May 26, 2021, the BOE published Royal Decree 366/2021, of May 25, , which modifies in its First Final Provision article 66.2.B) of the Value Added Tax Regulations on the Registration Book of certain intra-Community operations in relation to consignment sales.
new data included :
-By the seller:
The date on which the replacement of the entrepreneur or professional to whom the goods were initially intended takes place (art.66.2.B) a) 5)
-By the businessman or professional to whom the goods are intended and those who replace him:
- In addition to the description and quantity, the value of the goods that are removed from the warehouse by the seller and are no longer at his disposal (art.66.2.Bb) 5).
- In addition to the description and quantity, the value of the goods destroyed or missing from the warehouse (art.66.2.Bb) 6).
On the other hand, the registration period of these operations is established, which will be before the 16th of the month following the date of arrival of the goods to the warehouse, of their availability to the purchaser or of the operation that must be registered (replacement, destruction, loss or theft).