News published in INFORMA 2019
Skip information indexNews published in INFORMA in June
141771-GOODS SUPPLIES: FERTILISERSTax rate applicable to fertilizers in various presentations.
141782-CONSORCIUM: SERVICES PROVIDED TO INTEGRATED UNIVERSITIESApplication of the non-subjection of article 7.8 LIVA to the services provided by a Consortium to the Universities integrated in it.
141799-EXAMINATION CENTRE FOR AWARDING AN ENGLISH QUALIFICATIONTaxation of an educational centre which acts as an examination centre authorised for obtaining a title of English issued by a British entity.
141772-GRANT FROM A TOWN COUNCIL TO FINANCE A LITERARY FESTIVALApplication of the fixed annual subsidy received from a town council by a non-profit association that organises a literary Festival.