News published in INFORMA 2019
Skip information indexNew items published in the INFORMA programme during May
141765-JOINT PROPERTY COMPANY LEASING PREMISESConsideration as a passive subject of a married couple who acquire, for their community property, a commercial premises with the purpose of dedicating it to leasing.
141761-REMUNERATION IN KIND: INSURANCE, DAYCARE, TRAINING, FOOD VOUCHERSTaxation of benefits in kind from a Flexible Remuneration Plan for a company's employees.
141762-MICROMECENTZGO: PROJECT DONOR CONTRIBUTIONSSubject to contributions made by donors of a crowdfunding project who are given a miniature as a reward.
141677-TOBACCO SHOPS: SALES TO AUTHORIZED ESTABLISHMENTSWay to determine the tax base on which to impact both the VAT and the equivalence surcharge, in tobacco sales under the general regime made by a tobacconist to establishments authorized for sales with a surcharge ( bars, restaurants, etc.), which are taxed under a special regime of the equivalence surcharge.
141764-COMMUNITY LEASING PREMISESTaxpayer in the leasing of premises owned jointly by the commoners.
141763-VEHICLES: USE BY NON-COMMERCIAL EMPLOYEESExercise of the right to deduct the tax incurred by a company as a result of the use of motor vehicles by employees who perform functions other than commercial ones.