Special system for agriculture, livestock farming and fishing
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Keep a record book detailing all transactions included in the special regime for agriculture, livestock farming and fishing (income). If transactions other than those applicable for the simplified regime or additional VAT are carried out, a record book of invoices received must be kept, detailing the invoices that correspond with acquisitions relative to each distinguished activity sector, duly separated, including those related to the special regime for agriculture, livestock farming and fishing.
VAT returns will not be filed for activities in the special regime for agriculture, livestock farming and fishing. Nevertheless, with intra-community acquisitions, transactions subject to reversed payment liability, supplies of properties that are subject to and not exempt from VAT, and income from adjustments made when starting the application for the special regime, form 309 needs to be filed: 'non-recurrent tax return'.
- Furthermore, the tax return-settlement of the request to reimburse compensation in the special regime for agriculture, livestock fishing and fishing, will also be filed, with form 341, when exempt intra-community exports or supplies are carried out during the quarter.