October 2024
On October 28, 2024, Order HAC7/1177/2024, of October 17, was published, which completes the regulatory development of article 29.2.j) of Law 58/2003, of December 17, General Tax Law, in relation specifically to the Computerized Billing Systems of Business Owners and Professionals.
The Official Gazette of 25 October published Order HAC/1167/2024, of 17 October, which modifies Order EHA/3434/2007, of 23 November, which approves models 322 of monthly self-assessment, individual model, and 353 of monthly self-assessment, aggregate model, and model 039 of Data Communication, corresponding to the Special Regime of the group of entities in the Value Added Tax, and Order EHA/3111/2009, of 5 November, which approves model 390 of annual summary declaration of the Value Added Tax.
Due to maintenance operations, the Electronic Office of the Tax Agency will be interrupted next Sunday, October 27 between 02:30 hours (summer time) and 03:30 hours (winter time).
Please excuse any inconvenience.
Committed to the safety and security of your personal information, we are introducing a new security feature to our e-Office. From now on, every time you access the Office by authenticating yourself using any of the enabled mechanisms (Cl@ve, Electronic Certificate and Reference Number) you will be able to view the history of the last connections made, showing the mechanism used. This feature is designed to help you detect any unauthorized access to your account.
Fraudulent emails have been detected, related to notification notices, attempting to impersonate the State Tax Administration Agency and the Single Authorized Electronic Address (DEHU) under the appearance of legitimate domains (agencia.tributaria.es, dehu.es), which do not correspond to the real domains of these services.
Due to maintenance operations, the entire Tax Agency website will be interrupted from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. and from 10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. next Saturday, October 5. Please excuse any inconvenience.
Since October 2, 2024, eIDAS authentication has been in operation at the Tax Agency's Electronic Office, allowing EU citizens to access the main tax procedures, such as filing the IRPF / IRNR declaration or the main VAT forms, using their national electronic identification.