Consultation and modification of informative tax returns. Authorised representatives. Exercises prior to 2019
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It allows you to modify data on the summary sheet, but only in the models of informative declarations that are not Income Tax, since with the new system of presentations and cancellations, it is not necessary to adjust the totals between the Type 1 record and the detail records.
In cases where it is available, you will access the data in the summary sheet and you will be able to modify the data you consider appropriate. If there is incorrect data, the fields will appear in yellow. On the right-hand side, you will find help links with information about the declaration calculations and the summary sheet errors. Once corrected, the modified fields will be displayed in orange.
Review the modified data before confirming the submission and click "Continue."
Continue submitting the modification until the registration number associated with it appears.
You can print the resulting sheet as proof of correction from the "View in printable format" link after "Sign Send".