Fee consultation
To pay a fee, access "List of possible fee payments (Fees included in the scope of OM Hac/729/2003 of March 28). For each fee, a link is included to the web page where payment must be made.
The Tax Agency's website is merely a payment gateway, so you must contact the website through which you access the payment of the corresponding fee in case of an incident. If any problems arise, it is recommended that you also contact your bank.
Taxpayers who wish to recover the amount associated with the payment of a fee have two options:
- Request the cancellation of that NRC to your EEFF . In many cases the entity will not be able to proceed with this release, but when it is possible it is the quickest alternative.
- Request a refund from the agency in charge of that fee. Ultimately, the agency in question must have the means to facilitate the refund of an undue charge. From the AEAT no refund corresponding to the payment of fees from organizations other than the Tax Agency can be processed.
To make the query, the holder of the fee payment must identify himself with Cl@ve , certificate or electronic DNI .
Once identified, the payment method used must be selected: direct debit from account or payment by credit or debit card.
Next, you must indicate the receipt number corresponding to the fee paid, the taxpayer's identification data and the associated financial data. Click "Accept data and Continue".
If the payment exists, the receipt will be generated on screen with the NRC associated with the payment made.