Technical incidents Securities portfolio
Skip information indexNo data is transferred from the Securities Portfolio to Renta WEB
There are no results for the exercise
Results are only shown for a given year when there have been capital gains or losses in that year. If no transfer has occurred during the year that entails a capital gain or loss, no results will be shown in the Securities Portfolio and, therefore, no data will be transferred to Renta WEB.
Inconsistency in some operation
In order for the Securities Portfolio data to be incorporated into Renta WEB, all operations must be in the "Correct" (green) or "To be reviewed" (yellow) status.
If there is any erroneous operation (red color) no data will be incorporated into Renta WEB, showing the corresponding message.
On the left side you will find a quick view of the values pending regularization.
To correct an erroneous operation, access the operation and press the "More information" button to see the error. Then press "Edit" , make the necessary corrections and press "Save" . If you want to delete the operation, press the "Delete" button.
There are more than 60 values/groupings or there are more than 100 operations in some value/operation
In this case, the message displayed when trying to transfer the data to Renta WEB is "The number of operations exceeds the maximum allowed in the Securities Portfolio. It is not possible to use a stock portfolio to quantify gains and losses from the sale of shares."
The maximum number of values/groups that can be moved is 60 (each group also counts as one value) and the maximum number of operations in each group is 100.
Possible solutions are to eliminate values/operations that are not relevant for this year or the following ones, or to fill in and group the profits/losses manually in Renta WEB.
Note: If instead of importing data from the Securities Portfolio, they are filled in manually in Renta WEB, the maximum possible number of groups/securities is 120 and the maximum number of operations per group is 100 operations.