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All procedures
Taxes, fees and property benefits
Form 043. Gambling duties. Bingo halls. Settlement request.
Form 044. Gambling duties. Gambling establishments.
Form 045. Gambling duties. Machines or automatic devices. Return-settlement .
Model 602. Fee for administrative management of the game
Form 681. Fee for the provision of radioactive waste management services referred to in section 3 of the sixth additional provision of Law 54/1997.
Form 682. Tax for providing radioactive waste management services as referred to in section 4 of additional provision six of Law 54/1997.
Form 683. Tax for providing radioactive waste management services arising from the manufacturing of fuel, including the dismantling of the manufacturing facilities.
Form 684. Tax for providing radioactive waste management services generated in other facilities.
Form 685. Tax on betting and promotional draws, self-assessment.
Form 695. Request for refund of legal fees.
Model 696. Fee for the exercise of jurisdictional power in the civil, contentious-administrative and social orders (Court fee).
Mining surface fee.
Hydrocarbon surface fee.
Verifying data/checking limited court fee.
Hydrocarbon surface fee.
Submit request or communication
Respond to requests, make allegations and/or provide documents or supporting documents
Procedure file