How to resolve doubts or errors related to Cl@ve
Skip information indexIdentification error 06 or Problem with your identification document
If you get this error during the registration process in Cl@ve with CSV or Video Call, check that the data entered is correct.
Start the registration by indicating the DNI / NIE and click "Continue". Enter DNI / NIE with the 9 characters in a row, without spaces.
Depending on the type of document indicated, different additional data will be required:
- If it is a DNI : indicates the date of validity or the date of issue. In the case of permanent ID (without validity period) it is only possible to use the date of issue. At the bottom, you have two help links that explain how to locate the validity/issue date on the different types of DNI .
- If it is a NIE : will ask you for the support number that appears on your document. You can display the help links "How to obtain the support number...", which explains how to locate this information on your foreigner card, residence permit or EU citizen certificate and how to enter it correctly in the registration form. For more information about the support number, you can also refer to the help "Enter valid support" (How to enter the support number)".
By pressing "Continue" , the data entered will be validated. If, despite correctly entering the data that appears on your document, the error message persists, you must go to a National Police station to review and update the information on your identity document.