How to resolve doubts or errors related to Cl@ve
Skip information indexHow to obtain the validity and issue dates of the DNI
If you have any questions about where to find the verification data for your document, we will provide you with information based on the type of DNI you have.
The verification data for the DNI will be the validity date found on the document; If the DNI has a permanent validity date, 01/01/9999, you must indicate the date of issue.
The date must be indicated in the format dd-mm-yyyy, two digits for the day, two digits for the month and four digits for the year.
ID 4.0
The validity date is located on the front, below the word "VALIDITY".
The date of issue is located on the obverse, below the word "ISSUE".
ID 3.0
The validity date is located on the front, below the word "VALIDITY".
The issue date is located on the front, in the hologram of the miniature photo (lower right corner) and to view it correctly it will be necessary to move the DNI card.
Electronic ID (2006 - 2015)
The validity date is located on the front below the words "VALID UNTIL".
The issue date is located on the front, in the hologram located under the chip and to view it you will need to move the card from the DNI .
DNI computerized
The validity date is located on the obverse, next to the letter "VAL".
The date of issue is located on the obverse, next to the letter "EXPED".
DNI not computerized
In this type of DNI you can find the date of issue on the back of the card, after "the day..."