How to modify data or cancel the Cl@ve service
Skip information indexHow to revoke the Cl@ve Firma certificate
Both from the Cl@ve management page in the electronic office, within "Other management" and from the Cl@ve APP, it is possible to revoke the centralized electronic certificate associated with Cl@ve Signature.
You can identify yourself with Cl@ve Mobile by clicking on " Cl@ve Mobile (includes Cl@ve PIN)" to obtain an authentication request, either by scanning the QR code and confirming the request from the APP Cl@ve , or without QR reading by entering the DNI or NIE plus the contrast data (date or support number) to confirm the request with the APP, or receive a SMS with a PIN. You can also identify yourself with a certificate or electronic DNI .
Once logged in, check the box "Conditions have been read and accepted." Finally, press "Send".
The proof of the procedure carried out will be returned and, in this way, the centralized electronic certificate of the Cl@ve system will have been revoked at the request of the user.
From the APP Cl@ve , in the "Management" menu, access "Revoke certificate of Cl@ve Signature".