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Practical manual for Income Tax 2019.

Specifically: Distribution of the share premium and capital reduction with return of contributions

Regulations: Articles 25.1.e) and 33.3.a) Law IRPF

We must distinguish between:

  • Securities admitted to trading on any of the securities markets of the European Union

    In the case of distribution of the issue premium and the reduction of capital with return of contributions corresponding to securities admitted to trading the amounts obtained will reduce, until their cancellation, the acquisition value of the shares or participations affected and the excesses that may result will be taxed as income from movable capital not subject to withholding or payment on account.

    However, when the capital reduction comes from undistributed profits, the entire amount received for this concept will be taxed as a dividend . For these purposes, capital reductions, whatever their purpose, shall be deemed to affect first and foremost the portion of share capital that does not come from undistributed profits, until they are cancelled.

  • Securities not admitted to trading on any of the securities markets of the European Union

    In the case of distribution of the issue premium and capital reduction aimed at the return of contributions and not proceeding from undistributed profits , corresponding to securities not admitted to trading on any of the regulated securities markets as defined in Directive 2004/39/ EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments and representing participation in the equity of companies or entities, when the difference between the value of the equity of the shares or units corresponding to the last financial year closed prior to the date of distribution of the premium or the date of capital reduction and their acquisition value is positive, the amount obtained or the normal market value of the assets or rights received shall be considered income from movable capital up to the limit of the aforementioned positive difference .

    If the difference is negative or zero, the amount received will reduce the acquisition value of the shares or interests until it is nullified.

    For the purposes of calculating the positive difference, the value of the equity shall be reduced, where applicable, by the following amounts:

    • In the amount of profits distributed prior to the date of the distribution of the issue premium or the date of the capital reduction, from reserves included in the aforementioned equity.
    • In the amount of legally unavailable reserves included in said equity that would have been generated after the acquisition of the shares or participations.

    Any excess over this limit will reduce the acquisition value of the shares or interests until it is nullified and the part of said excess that exceeds the acquisition value will be taxed as income from movable capital not subject to withholding or payment on account.

    Likewise, in order to avoid cases of double taxation, if the distribution of the issue premium or the capital reduction intended to repay contributions and not derived from undistributed profits determined income from movable capital for the aforementioned difference between the acquisition value and that of the equity, and subsequently the taxpayer obtained dividends or shares in the profits of the same entity in relation to shares or participations that had remained in its assets since the distribution of the issue premium or since the capital reduction, the amount of these will reduce the acquisition value of the same, with the limit of the income from movable capital previously computed by the distribution of the issue premium or by the capital reduction with repayment of contributions.

  1. Example: Distribution of the share premium and capital reduction with return of contributions in securities not admitted to trading